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Experience with the first automatic initialization system in Vietnam


Enterprise Digital Transformation platform

Select and click for details to see each solution


Collaboration environment across the organization and Team Workspace


Human resources management and employee experience journey

Business Accounting

Efficient, optimal & cost-effective financial management

Customer Management

Customer management and customer experience


Comprehensive, safe, on-time and quality production management

CoDX’s Differential value

Finding a rental software has never been easier. However, too many systems are fragmented, too many systems do not meet the intensive business when operating in practice. The cost of renting the software includes not only the value of the lease but also the cost of employees operating. We are confident of bringing different values.

giá trị của CoDX

Business Scale

We go from the system to meet the enterprise thousands of employees and the most optimal business, the interface designed according to the role brought into CoDX.

Hire period

On a monthly basis, in order to facilitate the implementation of the system. The hire period begins only when CoDX has given directions for use.

giá trị của CoDX


CoDX only calculates the user book that uses the system by role. CoDX does not count the size of the company or the number of employees you manage in the system.

Free Experience

It is the only Vietnamese system that initiates self-freezing and offers a free Experience as soon as you have signed.


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